Sparks in October

Whoops! 3 days late.

But I couldn't resist putting up my monthly list!

If you're new around these parts, "Sparks" is my monthly message where I share a few things that inspired me, gave me joy, or made me think in the last 30 days.

(Note: I’m not an affiliated any of these companies/people I just appreciated them and want to share.)

📰 ArticleYou Don’t Have to be Perfect to be a Great Leader by Abby Wambach

Apparently, I missed seeing this when it came out in April. But then, I find that things usually come to me at the right time.

I loved this line:

“Imperfect men have been empowered and permitted to run the world since the beginning of time. It’s time for imperfect women to grant themselves permission to join them.”

-Abby Wambach

Instagram Account: @morganharpernichols by Artist Morgan Harper Nichols

Inspiring, beautiful words/art. She releases so many images nearly every day. and they are replies to letters written to her. Words of encouragement and hope. I love that I can use these beautiful pieces of art as Instagram love notes. Often her words will bring someone to mind, so I send it over. MHN actually encourages screenshots and sharing of her work. Isn’t that amazing?

This one is my phone’s current lock screen background:

Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 7.04.27 PM.png

📰 Article The 7 Types of Rest You Need to Actually Feel Recharged by Molly Shea

You know how sometimes a bubble bath is just the thing you need to chill out, but other times it doesn't revive you? Turns out, "Getting the proper type of rest requires ID’ing what, exactly, you're missing."

Great food for thought if you're trying to incorporate better self-care into your life.

📖 Three Books I Loved: On Being Human, The Rosie Result, and The Dutch House

This was an excellent book month! We'd be here all night if I gave my thoughts on all three... but I have to say The Dutch House capped off my month perfectly. Ann Patchett is one of my favourite authors of all time and her latest did not disappoint. If you're looking for a few good books, try one of these. 

On Being Human  | The Rosie Result   | The Dutch House

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🎉  EventWOW! (Women Only Weekend)

This was my third year in a row to Women Only Weekend -  which I like to describe as a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style personal growth event. It's held in Canmore, Alberta every October.

This year was extra special since I was invited to lead a session. A group of about 40 amazing ladies learned how to Create & Deliver their very own Elevator Pitch with Confidence! It was thrilling for me to share this simple technique and I was SO grateful to have an engaged group of women who came up with amazing elevator pitches! And if you watched the video from my last newsletter where I was gushing about how good it feels to be doing your right work... this is what I was talking about.

What gave you a spark of inspiration or joy this month? I'd love to hear about it - and maybe even feature your idea next month!


P.S. I'm rolling out two new offerings this month: 1)Resumes for Busy People and 2) Show & Tell for New Businesses! Keep your eyes peeled...

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