Do you have a Career Crush?

career crush flow + fire blog.png

Have you ever had a crush… on a person’s career?

I know I have! 💖  A career crush has the energy of a junior high crush where you think, “Oh man, she’s so cool and pretty and I wish I had the guts to talk to her.” You just can’t stop thinking about your crush!

The cool thing is, you can tell your partner about these types of crushes. There was a point last year where I said, “Honey, I have a new entrepreneur crush!” and then I excitedly told him all about this incredible woman who was creating her career in a totally unique and inspiring way.

Because there’s magical energy in a crush, I decided to use it to inspire me. And I noticed some things.

My Career Crushes are:

  • happy

  • pursuing health

  • joyful in their work with clients

  • known for more than just one thing (hello multi-passionates!)

  • authentic in sharing personal stories

  • creators of beautiful lives

I see things in them that I want for my own work life. Not that I want to copy exactly what they are doing, but they inspire me to continue pursuing a career filled with joy, authenticity and beauty.

I also realize the more professional way to say this might just be to say “these people inspire me.” 

But sometimes “professional” = boring. 

So I'll keep daydreaming and drawing metaphorical hearts around the names of my career crushes, thank you very much. 💖  

Have you ever had a career crush?

Karen Styles