Hi! I’m Karen.
I’m an Intentional Career and Life Coach.
I help you discover and do what lights you up.
Trust me, I know what it’s like to have the life and career that should feel good (but doesn’t). I was in the job change cycle for years, and finally stepped out of that loop.
You’ve done what you’re supposed to for long enough. Isn’t it time to figure out what you really want?
But how do you get there?
Many people feel frustrated and weighed down by the fact that they have lives and careers that look fine from the outside, but aren’t fulfilling them on the inside. Sometimes they don’t even remember what they like and what they’re good at anymore.
Sound familiar?
Working together, I help my clients remember what they love and what they’re good at.
But most importantly, I’m going to dig down and stir something up in you - that thing that you really want to do, the thing you forgot about or told yourself was silly or stupid or not serious enough - that’s the thing we’re going to bring to the surface.
And once we figure that out, we’re going to light that up and you’ll finally be excited about doing work you love again.
This is where my superpowers come in:
I help people remember (or discover!) who they are and what they can do.
I zero in on your strengths and the things you are passionate about. When we bring those to the forefront, it’s easy to highlight your amazingness to the people you talk to.
I’m extra curious. I always want to know “Why?”
I know that magic happens in a great conversation.
I’m an excellent question asker. I keep going until we get to the heart of the matter.
I have a killer gut instinct that tells me when to keep pushing just a bit more.
Your shit doesn’t scare me and I can stay present with pain.
Work with me, and you’ll probably hear about my cats, a podcast that inspired me, a rare gin I love, a book I’m obssessed with (but not necessarily in that order).