Permission to Start Over and Birthday New Year
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wait, let me explain. A mystic friend told me that a birthday can be like your own personal new year, and I jumped on that opportunity for a new start!
My birthday was actually two weeks ago but thank goodness I can call it my New Year! I feel like I’m just getting back into the swing of being fully back at work. And yes, I DO realize it’s the end of June, lol.
With Q1 focused on a move (but also a vacation and starting and quitting a job), and April focusing on unpacking and settling in and…. Where the hell did May and June go already????
So if you happen to need a permission slip to start over, I’ll write you one - since I’m writing my own permission slip anyway.
index card and pen with the handwritten words “I hereby grant myself permission to start over.”
Repeat after me:
I hereby declare that I have permission to start over.
Now. Today. This very moment, if needed. Whether that means drinking a glass of water, sending that email, or taking the steps to make giant, life-altering decisions.
I am fully empowered and supported to make all changes that serve me, my community, and this planet in the best way possible. I can start over even if I’m nervous or terrified. I can start over secretly if needed, or loudly and publicly when necessary.
I move forward with the knowledge that my truest self is always guiding me. I am kind and loving to myself, especially now, knowing that it’s completely normal to be unskilled at something new.
I ask for help and support in to start over. I don’t have to muster up all the energy to do everything on my own.
I start over again and again without shame. Starting again means I’m trying and experimenting like a scientist testing a hypothesis while learning from every result.
I recognize rest as an integral element to starting over. I am a living being, and all living beings go through cycles of growth and rest.
I identify my next step and leap (or inch) toward it.
May it be so.
Phew! That felt good! I think I may even print it out and put it somewhere. I feel like I'll need to keep it around as a reminder. 💖