Simple Delights in the time of Pandemic

Karen Styles Flow and Fire.png

We all need a few simple delights right now.

That's what this post is all about. No selling, no promotions.

Just sharing a few things that are making me happy or provide a little pleasant distraction.


Funny Videos
This YouTube playlist I titled "Make Me Laugh" is made up of a lot of celebrity interview clips (mostly from the Graham Norton show) a couple of silly songs, and some funny animal content. 

Spotify Playlists to Get Happier
Mini Mood Shift is a 3-song playlist that I use to help me get out of a funk and shift to feeling happier. You know those moments where you want to be able to put on a happy song and dance, but if you put on a happy song right now you might punch someone? This one has a bit of a "start where you are” song that brings me from moody to calm and energized, and after 10 minutes with this playlist, I feel much better.

Go For a Walk is 31-minute playlist that's great for an upbeat walk. Pretty sure you'll feel great listening to this one as you get some fresh air. Probably works for runs too, but I don't run so if you do you can let me know. It also worked great for a solo dance party in the kitchen when I was making dinner the other night.

Colouring Pages (Printable)
Last year I made a collection of affirmation colouring sheets. They're simple and positive. I'd planned on having an Etsy shop with digital colouring downloads... which was open for about a minute and then I decided I didn't want to keep it up. 
"I Am" Colouring Affirmations:

Skillshare also sent out some great colouring sheets recently. Access them here.

What small things are you doing that are making you a bit happier these days?

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Karen Styles